Our CEO and Founder, JAQ, is hosting a concert in a little over two weeks! This will be her premiere concert showcasing a variety of her unpublished ensemble and solo compositions. The event is free to the public and will be recorded live for promotional purposes. A Music Showcase Featuring New Works by Jaquay Smith will be on Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 7:30 pm in NW Washington, DC.
As you have noticed, we are taking a little break from our YouTube content. We'll be back in June.
In the meantime, we have plenty of videos, free resources, merch, and books to keep you busy! See you soon! We just gave our website new clothes! The landing page has been updated and I now have a couple dedicated pages for my Choral Works and Recordings. Check em out! There are also a few updated pages throughout.
We are always growing and adding new things. See you soon. We will be posting new content in three places on three separate days!
Tuesdays - Music Matters Kids YouTube Channel Wednesdays - Vocal Matters with JAQ Podcast Thursdays - Music Matters with JAQ YouTube Channel Your mid-week will never be the same again! Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a thing. Vocal Matters with JAQ is our new podcast!!!
*claps* Thank you, thank you! It will feature all things spoken... lyrics, poems, words, thoughts, short stories... Each show will be pretty short, but they'll pack a punch. Hope you'll be listening in! OUR PODCAST PAGE Look forward to some new videos on Music Matters Kids!
The Instrument Mini Series will explore the four instrument families and the different instruments associated with each! What is your favorite instrument? The Solfege Mini Series will continue to dive into the eighth solfeggio syllables and their relationships with each other! Perfect fifth! And more! Hope you are subscribed to our (new-ish) Music Matters with JAQ Channel. Season 2 of MMWJ will be posted there every other week! Instrument Shorts will also be featured on our Channel (posting on the bi-weeks)!
I recently graduated with my MFA in Music Composition from Vermont College of Fine Arts. During my thesis semester, I decided to hold off on creating new content for Music Matters. I did, however, continue to post videos from the queue for Music Matters Kids.
We are now back and getting ready to add finishing touches to Season 2 of Music Matters with JAQ and our Instrument Shorts. We also are finishing 'Max,' our first animated story. See you soon! Against a lot of great advice, I decided to divide Music Matters with JAQ and Music Matters Kids!
It doesn't make sense right now, but it will. Music Matters Kids will be the "CoCo Melon" of Music Theory and Music Matters with JAQ will feature some older content (family friendly still). I have so many ideas and shows... Let's see how long it takes for me to produce the content. Soon enough friends. Soon enough it will all make sense. Subscribe to our YouTube Channels, if you haven't. Music Matters with JAQ added a new YouTube Channel to our family, 'Music Matters with JAQ,' which will feature its namesake show, as well as animation and storytelling videos and music that are geared toward older children, teens, and adults.
Music Matters Kids! will continue to produce kid-friendly content, for children and children at heart! -- Links! Music Matters Kids! Music Matters with JAQ |
From JAQUAYMusical thoughts and brand updates from me to you. Archives
August 2023
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